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Publications and presentations by institute membersRuiz Lorbacher, MatiasPleines, Carolin / Le, Quang Son/ Ruiz Lorbacher, Matias: Understanding Urban Policy- Making in Vietnam: Hanoi’s Urban Planning and Transport Politics, 2016, (forthcoming). Pleines, Carolin / Kracht, Matthias / Ruiz Lorbacher, Matias / Le, Quang Son: REMON Traffic Scenarios: Hanoi in 2030, 2016, (forthcoming). Ruiz Lorbacher, Matias et al.: Real time monitoring of urban transport - solutions for traffic management and urban development in Hanoi : REMON : Final Report. 2015. Berlin. Lüke, Marc / Le, Quang Son / Ruiz Lorbacher, Matias / Pleines, Carolin / Groer, Stefan/ Fornauf, Leif: Finding and Adopting Appropriate Measures for Climate-Friendly Urban Transport Policy: The Case of Hanoi, Vietnam. Vu, Anh Tuan (ed.): Proceedings of International Conference „The Future of Ho Chi Minh City Metropolitan Area“ (HCMC Future 2015), 24-25 September 2015, New Binh Duong City, Vietnam, pp. 307-327. Ruiz Lorbacher, Matias / Le, Quang Son / Ngyuen, Thi Phuong Hien / Sohr, Alexander / Brockfeld, Elmar / Sauerländer-Biebl, Anke: Traffic information and traffic management based on Floating Car Data (FCD) and Floating Phone Data. In: Vietnam Ministry of Transport (ed.): Proceeedings of the Conference "Science and Technology Application in Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Transport Infrastructure System", 09 July 2015. Hanoi, pp. 90-102. Ruhé, Martin / Thamm, Hans-Peter / Fornauf, Leif / Ruiz Lorbacher, Matias: GIS Based Urban Design for Sustainable Transport and Sustainable Growth for Two-Wheeler Related Mega Cities like Hanoi. In: Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2013 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7973, 2013, pp. 452-465. Le, Quang Son / Ruiz Lorbacher, Matias / Pleines, Carolin: Policy Analysis - Landnutzungs- und Verkehrsplanung in Hanoi. Berlin. 2013. Working Paper. Ruiz Lorbacher, M., Kracht, M.: "Sustainable Transportation in Mega Cities: Strategies and Instruments – Case Study on Hefei, China". Paper presented at the 24th AESOP Annual Conference, Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Espoo, Finland, July 07-10, 2010 Ruiz Lorbacher, M., M. Kracht, S. Bayer, M. Ruhé: "Rapid Urbanization, Urban Transport and Climate Change in China's Urban Backbone", 2010. Ruiz Lorbacher, M. (2004): Sportarenen als Kunstwelten im städtischen Restrukturierungsprozess: Globale Konzepte in lokalen Zusammenhängen, dargestellt am Beispiel Berlin. Berlin. (= Manuskripte zur Empirischen, Theoretischen und Angewandten Regionalforschung, Nr. 44c). Conference papers/ PresentationsRuiz Lorbacher, Matias / Le, Quang Son: Traffic information and traffic management based on Floating Car Data (FCD) and Floating Phone Data. International Conference "Science and Technology Application in Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Transport Infrastructure System", Vietnam Ministry of Transport, 09 July 2015. Hanoi.Ruiz Lorbacher, Matias / Le, Quang Son: Traffic Information and Transport Management Based on Floating Car Data (FCD) and Floating Phone Data (FPD). Workshop of Vehicle Monitoring Technologies to Maintain Transport Safety in Vietnam. National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC), 18 March 2015, Hanoi. Vu Anh Tuan / Ruiz Lorbacher, Matias: REMON - Real Time Monitoring of Urban Transport - Solutions for Transport Management and Urban Development in Hanoi. VGU/VGTRC Symposium 2014: Intelligent Transport Systems – Applications and Architectures. Department of Transport Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 21 February 2014. Ruiz Lorbacher, M.: "Sustainable Transport in China: Lessons from a Second Tier City", Annual International Conference 2010, Royal Geographical Society with IBG, London, UK, 01.-03.09.2010 Ruiz Lorbacher, M.: "Mega Cities, Rapid Urbanization, and Transport: China's Urban Transport Policy", 2010 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), Washington D.C., USA, 14.-18.04.2010 Ruiz Lorbacher, M.: "Epistemische Praktiken und epistemische Objekte: Zur performativen Herstellung von Immobilienmärkten und ihren Geographien", Workshop "Geographien des Performativen" im Georg-Simmel-Institut für Metropolenforschung in Berlin, 07.-08.05.2010 Ruiz Lorbacher, M.: "Immobilien als Zahlenwerke: Zur Performativität von Immobilienmärkten", Deutscher Geographentag 2009, Wien, 19.-26.09.2009 Ruiz Lorbacher, M.: "Internationalisierung der Büroimmobilienmärkte in Deutschland", Berliner Methodentreffen, Institut für Qualitative Forschung, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, 26.-27.06.2009 Ruiz Lorbacher, M.: "Markets and Geographies in the Making: Performing Real Estate Investment Markets", 2009 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), Las Vegas, USA, 22.-27.03.2009 Ruiz Lorbacher, M.: "Standorte, Analysen und Investments: Zur Performativität von Immobilienmärkten", Neue Kulturgeographie VI: Geographien nach dem Cultural Turn, Osnabrück, 23.-24.01.2009 Ruiz Lorbacher, M.: "Internationationalisierung der Immobilienmärkte in Metropolen", Interdisziplinäres Symposium "Simmel und die Stadt : ein interdisziplinärer Austausch anlässlich des 150. Geburtstags Georg Simmels", Georg-Simmel-Zentrum für Metropolenforschung, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, 27.-28.11.2008 Ruiz Lorbacher, M.: "The Globalisation of Metropolitan Real Estate Markets : An Institutional Perspective", Royal Geographical Society, Annual International Conference, London, 26.-29.08.2008 Ruiz Lorbacher, M.: "Capital's Quest for Space: The Globalisation of Metropolitan Real Estate Markets : An Institutional Perspective", 15. Annual European Real Estate Society (ERES) Conference 2008, Doctoral Session A, Krakau, Polen, 18.-21.06.2008. Poster |
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