Kühne (Professor Dr.)
Scientific Degrees
- 1970 - Diploma in Physics at the University of
- 1974 - Ph. D. in Physics at the University of
- 1974-1980 - Associate Professor for Physics at the
University of Ulm
Academic Profile
- 1980-1984 - Research Scientist and Project Manager
for Transportation Systems Design (AEG Research Center, Ulm)
- 1984-1986 - Research Scientist and Project Manager
for Fibre Optics Communication Systems (AEG
Research Center, Ulm)
- 1986-1991 - Research Scientist and Head of the
Systems Group for Traffic Engineering (Daimler Benz Research Center,
- 1991 – Visiting Scholar at the Institute of
Transportation Studies at the University of California at Berkeley
- since 1995 - Lecturer at the Institute of
Semiconductor Technology at the University of Stuttgart
- 1992-1998 - Managing Director at Steierwald
Schönharting und Partner GmbH Consulting Engineers for
- since 1998 - Professor and Head of the Department for
Transportation, Planning and Traffic Engineering at the
University of Stuttgart, Institute for Road and Transportation Studies
(on leave since 2001)
- 2001-2005 - Director of the Institute of
Transportation Research at the German Aerospace Center (DLR e. V.),
- since 2006 – Head of Transportation Studies
at the German Aerospace Center (DLR e.V.), Berlin
- since 2011 Member at the Institute for
International Urban Research (InUrban) in Berlin
- 2006 “Yellow Mountain Award”, for
academic achievement of the german - chinese cooperation in Hefei,
Province Anhui, P.R China
- 2007 "National Friendship Award of the
People´s Repuplic of China"
Research Interests
- Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering
Research projects (selection)
- Mega Region Transport Systems for China
- Association of Civil Engineers, State of
- German Road and Transport Research Association
(Working Committee 3.18-Theoretical Bases of Road Transport and Working
Committee 3.15-Interurban Road Control)
- German Association of Engineers (VDI and ITG)
- German Association for Transportation Sciences (DVWS)
- German Physical Society (DPS)
- Society for Sustainable Energy Promotion Eurosolar,
Member of the Management Board Donau-Iller
- Transportation Research Board, Washington D. C.
(Committee A3 A11 – Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics)
- since 2002 advisory professor of the Tongji
University Shanghai, P.R. China
- since 2005 advisory professor of the Chinese Academy
of Transportation Sciences
- since 2011 advisory professor Technical University
Hefei, Hefei, P.R. China